Instructing an eDiscovery provider is generally considered simpler, more dependable, and cost-effective compared to managing data volumes in-house.
As an industry leading eDiscovery service provider, we specialise across various sectors, offering tailored solutions to meet a wide spectrum of legal and investigatory requirements. Through doing so:
eDiscovery Offers a Cost-Effective Solution
Access to Our Team of Reliable Experts
Experience Increased Security Measures
As a dependable eDiscovery service provider, we have robust security measures in place to protect sensitive and confidential data. We use encryption, access controls, and other security protocols to ensure that data is protected at every stage of the eDiscovery process. Furthermore, the work that CYFOR Legal do is underpinned by renowned accreditations, such as ISO 27001, 9001, 17025, Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials PLUS and Crest. This means our processes can be relied on and are defensible when it comes to a wide spectrum of legal, organisational and regulatory requirements.
Free Up Legal Resource & Use It where It matters
Unlock The Complete Process
Contact a member of the CYFOR Legal team here to learn more.