Our Solutions.

Data Breach & PII Review

In an age where data is abundant and valuable, breaches are inevitable. Organisations, irrespective of their size, are vulnerable. When data breaches occur, swift, meticulous, and effective responses are crucial. Not only to limit the damage but to preserve the integrity and reputation of the organisation

Introducing CYFOR Legal & Relativity: Your Dynamic Duo in eDiscovery

1. Understanding the Risks: Types of Breaches

  • Phishing Attacks: Manipulative strategies to trick individuals into divulging personal information.
  • Ransomware Attacks: Where hackers lock out users from their data, demanding a ransom for its release.
  • Insider Threats: Breaches committed by disgruntled or negligent employees.
  • Unsecured Interfaces & APIs: Leaving application programming interfaces exposed.
  • Weak Password Practices: Allowing access due to insufficient security measures.

2. Why eDiscovery is Critical Post-Breach

In the aftermath of a breach, the quest is to understand what was accessed, how, and to what extent. This is where CYFOR Legal, powered by Relativity, shines:

  • Discovering PII & PHI: Precise identification of Personally Identifiable Information and Protected Health Information ensures that affected parties can be swiftly notified.
  • Legal Strategies: By understanding the depth of the breach, strategies such as quick settlements or rigorous defences can be devised, potentially saving millions.
  • Minimising Damages: A well-executed eDiscovery process can mitigate both tangible (fines, settlements) and intangible (reputational) damages.

3. Step-by-Step Data Breach Review with CYFOR Legal

  • Data Collection: Utilising forensically sound methods to gather digital evidence without altering the data integrity.
  • Processing: Transforming raw data into a review-ready format.
  • De-duplication: Removing redundant data, ensuring only unique documents are reviewed, saving time and resources.
  • Search Term Hit Lists: Applying keyword lists to sieve through vast data sets, identifying potential evidence rapidly.
  • Review & Analysis: A meticulous examination of processed data to understand the breach‘s scope and impact.

4. The Edge of Using CYFOR Legal & Relativity

  • Streamlined Workflows: Customisable workflows tailored to the specific needs of your breach response, ensuring efficiency.
  • Advanced Analytics: Using cutting-edge technology to provide insights that can drive your legal strategy.
  • Collaborative Platforms: Ensuring that your team, irrespective of their location, can collaborate in real-time.

5. Legal Strategies & Cost Savings

With Quick Response, quicken the pace from  discovery to action, potentially leading to reduced legal costs. Through Informed Decisions, base your legal strategies on detailed insights, thereby ensuring a higher probability of favourable outcomes. Additionally, with Resource Management, save on resources by targeting only the necessary data and disregarding the noise.

Why Choose CYFOR Legal?

Benefit from our extensive experience, as we are trusted by leading law firms, with a proven track record of success. Our Integration with industry leading tools, including a renowned platform in eDiscovery, guarantees that you receive the best in class service. Additionally, our 24/7 support ensures that a dedicated team is always available to promptly address your queries and concerns.

Learn more below.

Case Studies

"Working with the CYFOR Legal team was a game-changer for our legal team. They provided us with a reliable and efficient service which is essential to us in every aspect. "

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"Lorna’s know-how, guidance and support throughout the project has been spot on. If I have any more big disclosure projects, I’d love to work with Lorna again."

Client Feedback via Email

"May I thank you and your colleagues for supporting me on this very stressful project. I appreciate it"

via Email

"I would like to thank the entire Legal team for their assistance, they were there to answer any questions I had during the process. Amazing service! "

via Google Reviews

"It was similarly a pleasure working with yourself and the team. You made a daunting disclosure process a lot easier!"

Client Feedback via Email

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CYFOR Legal | eDiscovery